There’s vote in Congress this afternoon on NDAA. If you don’t want to be indefinitely detained give her a call.
There’s vote in Congress this afternoon on NDAA. If you don’t want to be indefinitely detained give her a call.
Congressmen Adam Smith and Justin Amash will put forth an amendment to make it clear that the military does not have the power to arrest and indefinitely detain civilians without charging or trying them.
Ask Terri Sewell to support the Smith-Amash amendment!
(202) 225-2665
kc8gpd says
Note: she is an alabama rep.
Note: she is an alabama rep. you need to look up your local rep’s and call or email
Carl Blare says
Indefinite Meals
However, if we end up indefinitely detained, what will the food be like?
It’s not a joke. This is real. Does their sinister plan give details about how inmates will be treated?
Carl Blare says
A Major Development
A federal judge has slapped down the provision of this bill allowing the indefinite detention of citizens without charge.
Strangely, the NY Times has nothing on any of this story.
Ermi Roos says
Calm down, please
Relax, Reverend Robert. There is no chance that you will ever be detained; even if you listen to Alex Jones and you change your title to Allatoya or Mullah.
Oh yeah, it’s actually Ayatolla.
kc8gpd says
i’m sure the people of 1930’s
i’m sure the people of 1930’s germany thought the same thing. that judge is also wrong that provision in the ndaa violates several amendments of the us constitution in addition to the 1st amendment. it’s a slap in the face of all who died fighting for our freedoms as well in addition to what our fore fathers stood for.
i don’t listen to any of those right wing nut jobs. i just have common sense about the world, human nature and the us governments history of abusing well intentioned legislation.
Carl Blare says
5th Amendment
The judge also found the detention act violated the 5th Amendment, which protects against being arrested without proper charges and all the rights that go toward defending one’s self.
But the fact that US government people invented the detention bill to begin with is very astounding. There seem to be some non-Americans in the government. It truly is very 1930s German.