I truly miss having a signal on the air at 1620 AM, now that we are on the last week of March the pressure is on to get this house packed up and ready to move out of Salems lot.*
How the hell did we accumulate so much un needed clutter? Holy smokes! Ok Barry, take it one room at a time, one box at a time, just take it sl— SCREW IT !! BURN IT ALL IN THE YARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
As much as I love a good bon fire, i really can’t afford to start over. I got this, i just need everyone to chip in and help out, no fuss, no mess ,uh yeah okay so there will be a mess but we can clean that up when we are done packing stuff.
Did i mention I miss broadcasting? I do.
* Salems Lot, in case you missed the reference, is from Eminem’s hit Lose Yourself in which he was referencing a book by writer Steven King where vampires take over a town and turn that eventually is destroyed to combat the evil.
As one fan said, it refers to Eminems struggle to get out of a soul sucking situation (his home life growing up).
This town would be a great place for Steven King to research and write a book about, maybe even adapted for a movie.
After I move, maybe I will go into more details about what a sesspool this town really is, until then Happy Broadcasting.
Mark says
Ya, moving’s a pain
But soon you’ll be broadcasting again in a new place.
Carl Blare says
Awaiting the Return of Blue Bucket
Here at Worldround Radio we look forward to the return of Blue Bucket Radio and perhaps the “Little Things Show” which would be the perfect place to reveal the sins and debauchery of your previous location.
Radio is what we do and you can never get free from it. You are trapped like a Scientologist or Jehovah’s Witness. Part 15 radio is your mission in life or else we’ll all come to hunt you down and shackle you to a 10-foot mast.
rock95seven says
My wife..
My wife might beat you to it lol
“Radio is what we do and you can never get free from it. You are trapped like a Scientologist or Jehovah’s Witness. Part 15 radio is your mission in life or else we’ll all come to hunt you down and shackle you to a 10-foot mast.”
rock95seven says
I tried editing my last comment but it got lost in cyberspace, i guess.
In the image i attached to this post is an arial view of where we are moving to, i think i have shown this before but in case i didn’t then well, here it is again.
The lay of the land.
It’s actually pretty flat for the most part, when i lived here before i had a cb radio set up with a ground plane mounted on a 20 foot pole. I did really well with a 4 watt radio and home made ground plane antenna. Those are hill’s in the image compare to what i deal with here in Eastern Ky.
We will be 3 miles from the city of Hustonville so i may or may not be able to get an AM signal into town and as we know it isn’t easy to predict the outcome. We will just have to wait and see.
999 th try at posting an image.
Morningdj says
Reply to Post #2
Carl Blare said: “You are trapped like a Scientologist or Jehovah’s Witness.”
Mr. Blare is now taking being offensive to yet another level–taking snide pot-shots at a couple of religions. If people are allowed to make prejudicial statements like this, I want no part of it.
To the moderator or administrator–please purge my name and all records of my membership from this site. When I joined last year, it seemed like a good forum for those of us interested in this wonderful hobby. Since then, the back-biting, bickering and loss of focus is totally out of control. Some of you may think–‘good riddance’. I hope you do because it proves my point.
For a while recently, there were some pretty good subjects and comments. There still are a few good topics, however, when Mr. Blare began posting again, it went drastically down hill. I previously made that comment and it was immediately deleted. So much for expressing opinion–not sure why some get away with it, while others don’t. I expect these comments to also be deleted, and that’s OK, just as long as someone in charge sees it and removes my membership. Once I am deleted, I’m sure some will make sarcastic comments about it and I won’t be able to respond. So be it….you know who you are, and I simply don’t have the time or inclination to lower myself to your standards.
rock95seven says
I can moderate my own blog..
The title say’s it all, i don’t see how my blog can affect anyone in anyway personally.
If I thought Carls comments were over the line then I would take care of it personally since it is my blog, i hardly think it is a as big a deal as you make it out to be Morningdj. Have you looked into Scientology or Jehovahs Witness?
Might be an eye opener. If you practice either one then i can see where it would be offensive to you.
The problem with society now is that everything that makes a person the least bit uncomfortable has to be offensive right off the bat, no other way to deal with it other than throwing a tantrum or taking it to the streets pounding our chests walking around with our arms spread out like we are the Hulk and can take on the whole world single handed.
It’s good to get things off of your chest, it certainly is better than holding it all in and cowering in the corner with a juice box and coloring books. When did the world become so pacified? This country wasn’t built by snivling idiots in a play pen, blood, sweat and tears is what made this country great,sad to see it all crumbling down around us.
I follow an ancient religion as a druid, yet if someone was to make a remark about it, i surely wouldn’t go off and delete an account becuase of someones opinion. People often make fun of things they don’t understand, it’s better to be educated about what we don’t understand than to go off on some anger fueled tantrum which draws attention to ourselves in the wrong way.
Hey Carl, be good man. Hold your hand out so i can smack it with a ruler. Geeez. I am sorry BUT NO!
Carl, you live in the USA, please by all means express yourself in anyway you see fit.
Admins, Moderators, if you feel this whole thing is out of control or does not reflect well on this forum, then by all means remove it. It is just a blog and i feel like members can say what they feel is necessary, i personally see the humor in it.
Morningdj says
Thank you, rock95seven!
Rock95seven said: “Have you looked into Scientology or Jehovahs Witness? Might be an eye opener. If you practice either one then i can see where it would be offensive to you.
You made my point! Since I am one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, you apparently can see why Carl’s statement was offensive. I appreciate that you acknowledge that. That type of comment SHOULD be offensive to a follower of ANY religion, because it reflects a core religious bigotry.
You are right, however, that it is YOUR blog and you are free to write what you wish. Since you opened it, you should expect that readers might disagree and I would think that you would welcome that in harmony with your response. I might also point out that you are not the one that brought religion into it.
These kinds of statements only perpetuate people’s dislike, even hatred for people that have different beliefs. The world is in a mess, much of it because of religious hatred and bigotry. Sites like this, even blogs, should not be used perpetuate those feelings. Freedom brings responsibility and should be exercised on matters like this.
That’s my opinion, and is just as valid as anything I’ve seen here.
Carl Blare says
Hold On
Barry, I am sorry my silly comment caused a ripple in your blog.
Mr. Morning said: “when Mr. Blare began posting again, it went drastically down hill.'”
No idea how to calculate that since I never stopped posting.
Main thing is I wasn’t speaking to Mr. Morning and did not mean anything personally toward him so he has no cause for upset.
May Blue Bucket Radio rise again!
Morningdj says
Just for the record
Carl, you said: “No idea how to calculate that since I never stopped posting.”
Just to set the record straight…..you recently went over two months without posting on Part15.us.
You also said: “Main thing is I wasn’t speaking to Mr. Morning and did not mean anything personally toward him so he has no cause for upset.”
I realize you weren’t speaking directly to me, but it shows that you have a religious bigotry and it is clearly evident. You obviously don’t mind offending people but feel that’s it OK if you don’t direct it toward a particular person. You don’t care if your words are offensive–you brush it off like it was not your fault or problem. You seriously need to rethink your actions.
Carl Blare says
Making Progress
Mr. Morning keeps tabs: “You recently went over two months without posting on Part15.us.”
I don’t even know that. I didn’t realize it has been so long. Are you sure? I sometimes post in the middle of the night.
Speaking of rethinking our actions, I once invited you to join the ALPB and I’d like to renew that invitation now.
I remember enjoying exchanges we’ve had in the past and think you’d be good.
Morningdj says
Checked it out….
Carl said: “…I once invited you to join the ALPB and I’d like to renew that invitation now.”
So, I went to the site to check it out, and there you are–deriding me for my comments on THIS site. Please explain why I would join the ALPB with comments like those…hmmm? Not a chance, Carl. Why, you can’t even spell the name “Jehovah’s Witnesses” right. How could you possibly get anything else right about us?
On a positive note…I appreciate the things you do for part 15ers. You have an incredible working knowledge of the technology of the hobby. I just wish you would limit your comments to those areas of which you actually have knowledge.
Carl Blare says
Ever After
Mister Morning said: “I just wish you would limit your comments to those areas of which you actually have knowledge.”
Carl responded: I will if you will.
rock95seven says
First off, no apolagy is needed,
2nd, I have many questions about certain religions but i will not entertain that right now.
3rd, Maybe we should settle this somewhere else, like not here on part 15.us
4th, What time do you eat dinner/supper MorningDj, i want to knock on your door at that precise time you sit down for your meal.
Yep, that was a shameless jab, nope, i am not angry why should i be?
However, this blog is no longer accepting comments….thanks.
Edit: Thanks Mark, we have had a set back so the move has been moved to the first week of May.
Mark says
Nice location
Still in the country and flat land around you it looks like. Better for broadcasting.
rock95seven says
Lay of the land
I agree Mark…
Don’t let the shabby exterior fool you, this will be a much nicer place after a friend is finished with it.
A previous renter was a horder and used this place for storage of junk, lots and lots of useless junk and the grounds need a bush hog.
He warned her to stop but most horders can’t stop, anyway that’s not what I am posting images for, i thought actual images of the property from the ground would give a better idea of what the land around us looks like.
The darker image is the front of the place but if you look in the background you will see the hill behind the house, it’s really not that high compared to where i live now. I climbed up there once or twice and it wasn’t that bad, it’s really only about 80 feet higher than the house. I will say though, that in the summer from the top of that hill you can see the tops of the tree’s for as far as the eye can see. Now the image, showing the back of the place, the brighter image, there is a hill across the road that is only slightly higher up but it’s width isn’t going to be a problem.
I had a CB station there in the past with a ground plane only 20 feet high and had no problem talking all over town and into the next two counties. AM radio should not be a problem, in fact if you look on the ground in the image of the front of the home, you will see a wet spot on the ground, that is a natural spring where i am thinking a ground mounted AM Antenna could benefit from the wet ground and some radials.
I am getting a bit impatient to move but all good things come to those who wait.. something like that.
The home above/behind me is a friends house, his uncle is the owner of this property.. we could have been living here long ago but we didn’t think about it at the time. It’s all good though, things happen for a reason.
rock95seven says
Delayed Move
Our move has been delayed until the first week of May which is a week and half away…. sigh so tired of looking at boxes.