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Well that was easy. I got two document series granted full view and download. Both are great, but here’s the first one from Grist magazine Dec. 1972, These are from when TIS/HAR stations first went into regular operation, They were all Part 15, and the first of their kind These are also the reason the ground lead were written into 15.219, as wel as the almost disallowing the alternate rule for manufactures..
What’s even more interesting was the 1971 Highway dept documents which includes these: you straight to it.
Pages 575 to 586.. Gold mine of story of where part15AM as we know it today began. Info System proposes Federal ìHighway Department
RichPowers says
Actually the title above
Actually the title above should have been first outdoor part 15 transmitter as we know it today.. That was actually the point.
RichPowers says
I’m not sure why no one seems
I’m not sure why no one seems interested in this, it may be because I titled it wrong..
The document proceedings were not about TIS, because they didn’t even exist yet, but it is not only the origin of our part15 as it is now, but also how a Part15 operation ultimately led to a brand new licensed classification being created.
Here we have a small company manufacturing the first whip and mast portable Part15 transmitters, and they have gone into business selling them to organizations, restaurants, and National Parks to provide information and advertisements. Now they approach the National Highway Department with their business model in hopes of selling it to them..
This was the beginning, they sold the units, and part15 AM became commonplace for the first time… However, it also led ultimately to three things occurring because of it; first the ground lead, next the FCC almost eliminating the alternative Part15 rules; and third a brand new licensed classification became established.
This illustrates some of why I believe it is unrealistic to hope for any major changes to part15, but it is reasonable to aim at a petition for a new licensed (and much easier to acquire) class of public broadcasting.
Anyway here is an edited version of the commission proceedings, which most any part15 broadcaster would find very interesting:
April 17, 1972. Pages 575 to 586 (excerpts below)
Testimony of Andy Matson, on behalf of INFO Systems, Inc., Bozeman, Montana
MR. MATSON. First of all I would like to thank you.. for this opportunity to present our INFO System concept providing advertising and other informational services.. INFO Systems is actually a low-powered, limited-range radio transmitter or transmitters utilizing a ten-foot antenna, operating on the AM broadcast band, within the FCC minimum requirements of Part 15, Subpart E. The frequency used in a particular area is provided for by a study of the use of the broadcast band.
INFO Systems can provide service on either AC or DC power and can be programmed either by utilizing tape cartridges or live transmissions…
The original idea behind INFO Systems was aimed at providing information to motorists as they traveled through the Big Sky Country of Montana. We have since been approached by and have made installations for various uses in several States and have many more in the planning stage. It is rather ironic but our original idea is the one that brings us here and has received quite a response from various agencies in recent months.
Our conception of rest areas information systems started a couple of years ago, and we now have 35 rest areas throughout the State. Along with the rest area concept, motorists stopping in safety rest areas may dial their radios to the frequency indicated on the sign located in the rest area.
..Our tapes are of the endless loop type and repeat themselves continuously. These tapes are geared to whatever information might be appropriate for the designated
location. By establishing a series system of transmitters a continuous zone can be created for the motorist as he travels a certain segment of highway. This involves a number of transmitters but provides a variable length message without requiring a motorist to stop.
MR. BLOOMINGDALE. How far do the transmitters transmit?
MR. MATSON. This will depend on the area you put them in- the locale. Our recent experiment and demonstration in California indicates this would probably be around four a mile. We put it every 1400-hour feet.
MR. MATSON. Four to a mile in a zone.
MR. BLOOMINGDALE. Four to a mile would be a 1,000 feet a piece.
MR. MATSON. They say 14 feet apiece. I will submit those figures 1 have from my files from the Federal Highway people in California. They have done quite a survey on this. We have been out there about five times. In fact, this has been in the mill about ten months, but we have had some controversy with broadcasting people and other delays.
MR. BLOOMINGDALE. Is that the sort of transmitter that doesn’t interfere with anything?
MR. MATSON. Yes. The gentleman from the FCC made reference to this particular idea. We do not the cable technique but we operate with a ten-foot antenna and put it up in the air…
MR. BLOOMINGDALE. So you need four per mile?
MR. MATSON. That is what we quote, but an exact figure would depend on the particular situation. That is what we have come up with in California where we have done most of this work. I might mention the motorist’s interest briefly. Motorists are primarily concerned with three types of information: visitor, commercial, and traffic. The principal existing sources for such information evolve mainly around billboards, signs, commercial radio, and printed matter. We feel the INFO Systems concept creates yet another media through the element of localized radio.
By comparing the INFO Systems concept with the aforemen tioned media, one can conceptualize the advantages of each in their own category. Through evaluating the particular media in this setting, the versatility of INFO Systems’ localized radio fills an apparent void now in existence. We feel the service INFO Systems can provide is one which can’t be duplicated by existing means. INFO offers on-the-spot coverage and is available for whatever type information you may wish to provide in a given situation…
This is a pilot effort with very high potential. It would be approximately five areas averaging five miles each that could be made operational within 6 to 9 months of budget authorization. This is just an example of that particular program in California… I might also refer to the Yellowstone National Park project, which the gentleman from FCC mentioned. There are 33 transmitters in use in the Park now… I might mention briefly the advertising and commercial information that we have done in transmitters.. ..In the same sense the multiple transmitter zone as described earlier relating to moving vehicles can be adapted to the unusual traffic condition situation, or it can be used as a customer service information zone or as a descriptive source while traveling a segment of scenic highway..
In closing, I would like to play on your imagination for a moment. I get this feeling when I am up at Big Sky and listening to Chet Huntley. He has a great voice. You might picture yourself driving through the beauty spots of America on your next vacation. You arrive at one of the many scenic turnoffs or parking areas to view the scenery, or possibly you’re traveling an exceptionally scenic route. Wouldn’t it be nice to be informed of what you’re seeing and what lies ahead via your own radio by simply dialing Roadside Radio?
My thought on this is “Turn In, Tune It On,” and you get the area information and whatever you may wish to put on the tape. I might describe the equipment, and, if you care for a demonstration, I have a setup over here in which I simulate a car radio with a transistor radio. You can listen to the tape right there as it is sent from the transmitter.
MR. WRIGHT. You have the tape that you can transmit from right here?
MR. MATSON. Yes, sir.
MR. WRIGHT. Which would give you what you would receive when driving?
MR. MATSON. Yes, or you might be using a transistor radio like in Yellowstone. You can walk all around the area and, while you are walking, listen to the explanation of the geyser, Old Faithful, or whatever the particular transmission might be.
MR. BLOOMINGDALE. You don’t work for the State of Montana; you are in private industry?
MR. MATSON. Yes, sir, we are a private corporation and local corporation in Montana.
MR. BLOOMINGDALE. You just design systems or do you manufacture equipment?
MR. MATSON. We do both. In fact, we are having a new tape repeater designed for us. The first of these units were installed a couple of weeks ago. They will be guaranteed for 90 days’ continuous usage out of a single tape. We have had some problem with this in some isolated areas where we have had to go out and fix tapes that had broken. The new tape repeater will also be under our label. Those are made in Minneapolis.
MR. BLOOMINGDALE. Is the equipment easy enough to handle? Let’s say, if it was near an intersection of a remote highway somewhere the people who service the motels could service the same equipment?
MR. MATSON. Yes. The service needed for the transmitter is about nil. The only service necessary would be with the tape player and cleaning the head periodically and that type of thing, or periodically changing the tapes. That is why we went to this different tape repeater that would guarantee this type usage.
MR. MATSON. I will turn this tape on.
(Tape was Played)..
MR. BLOOMINGDALE. Have you tried to sell the restaurant owners and hotel owners and others on using this system?
MR. MATSON. That is one area that you can become involved in. This is where you get into the area of advertising and commercial radio broadcasting. We had no intent to violate or interfere with commercial radio. We feel the 300 to 500 feet range that we get is adequate enough for most rest areas. I have seen many people throughout the country in the last eight months who would like to have a zone. But we feel if we get into the area of restaurants and motels, depending on the particular application, then we might be violating some of the possible laws.
MR. BLOOMINGDALE. You misunderstand what I meant. I am assuming from the tape you played that time would not allow them to embellish on their advertising. That is real advertising when you say ‘”Beautiful shaded room,” or whatever. If you say “Off Route 9, fifteen miles to the right is the Shady Rest Motel’* and that is all you said— I assume that you feel that you could get something, or the State or whoever is putting in the system could get something for it.
MR. MATSON. I put this particular tape together to get advertising of a particular customer’s service places. In our advertising in Montana, we have a 30-second spot in which you get a lot more information in, in a particular time on a tape. I didn’t mean to go through this tape so fast, but that was the general idea.’.
MR. BLOOMINGDALE. I heard that. I think the radio station would have a right to object if you started accepting 30-second commercials, but if you use this as a guide—
MR. MATSON. As I mentioned, we are not trying to compete with radio. We have had many stations interested in this, mainly from the standpoint of creating something so if billboards have to be removed there could be a visual direction placed on the tape and maybe a combination of the two that would somewhat alleviate the problem.
MR. BLOOMINGDALE. I find that very interesting.
MR. MATSON. ..As far as radio frequencies go, the West probably has better opportunities. But we can operate anywhere and go to any length necessary to find a frequency that won’t interfere with other existing stations…
MR. WRIGHT. Is there any way you can program this thing so it would give answers to questions—in other words, somebody press the button and wants to find out something about a motel or something like that?
MR. MATSON. ‘…we haven’t gotten that far yet unless you would tie it in with a push-bottom type of thing or jukebox type operation.
You can read it in it’s entirety view the link in my previous post
Carl Blare says
Important Historic Documentation
Thank you Richard Powers End80 Radio for compiling this lost history of the early roots of part 15 as we know it and the relationship with Traffic Information Stations (TIS).
At the forthcoming April 1 Meeting of the ALPB I plan to submit mention of your considerable work and present a motion to recognize the achievement by possibly mounting a priominent link from the ALPB Website to your Part 15 Lab Pages where this and other significant information is openly published.
I still look forward to reading your material in detail.