Another wild night of wicked weather in Kentucky, looks like Missouri, Illinois and Indiana has a mess over them as well. That is just how big this storm is and according to our radar, there is another smaller storm behind it.
I have attached an image from London,Ky where some straight line winds cause some havoc on several homes and business.
In the last blog entry now bumped by this one I mentioned that Stephanie and myself are going to a weather spotter class offered by our local television station and the National Weather Service out of Jackson,Ky.
Now more than ever i believe our stations could be a reliable source of weather information to our immediate neighborhoods and with the right training, we can not only offer up to the minute weather reports to a television station and the National Weather Service but also our neighborhood as well.
I can’t wait to go to this class as i have always been fascinated by weather and once i have lived in an area long enough, i can usually tell you when and how rough the weather can be just by the weather patterns on radar and the current conditions recorded by NOAA or our Acurite Weather station here at the Radio Ranch.
It might not be a bad idea to check in your area to see if classes like the Weather Spotters class is available, most of these classes are free and local.
Now we have been phoneless for nearly two years now, i do have an app on my cell phone that allows me to make calls using MagicJack but i haven’t paid for a phone number for that app. I may have to activate this phone again after this class but it would be worth the effort in the long term.
How’s the weather there?
Barry of Blue Bucket Radio 1620 AM
Mark says
The jet stream is now like an S shape from northern Alberta,Canada down the central part of the continent and up again on the east coast. The colder air is coming down from the north from northern Manitoba,Canada down through the east half of the US and the warmer air is on the other side of the jet stream from northern Alberta through the western US and Kentucky and the central US seems to be right on the boundary which explains the wild weather you are getting where you are. You are right near where the jet curves toward the east.
All the rain will make the ground more moist so you will have better ground conductivity and maybe a little more range for 1620. Just a positive thought.
Hope that river doesn’t overflow though.
Mark says
rock95seven says
Missed us
As much as i love to watch a good storm i am happy it missed us this time however i have friends and family in the path of this storm. I will be checking on them later.