I can see my house Interesting, that green blob over Ohio is my IP location! It even looks like the water tower down the street, same color and shape. It just looks a bit bigger on the map than in real life.
I use Netzero and I have noticed that although I might be in the Blue Grass. My IP address could be front Florida or some other location every time I come online. So I guess it is a matter of what networking they get me on when online. My IP is never the same as far as I know.
radio8z says
I can see my house
Interesting, that green blob over Ohio is my IP location! It even looks like the water tower down the street, same color and shape. It just looks a bit bigger on the map than in real life.
Dan Jackson says
WHHR Hidden Hollow Radio
Part 15 carrier current radio
I use Netzero and I have noticed that although I might be in the Blue Grass. My IP address could be front Florida or some other location every time I come online. So I guess it is a matter of what networking they get me on when online. My IP is never the same as far as I know.
scwis says
Lately I’ve had to click “Refresh” a few times
To get the map to display properly
Experimental broadcasting for a better tomorrow!
gygyjerry says
Well…lots of places!