Well guys, the new lease finally arrived yesterday, and I was especially looking for the clause about “antennas”…
Well guys, the new lease finally arrived yesterday, and I was especially looking for the clause about “antennas”…
Sure enough, there was one.
This is where it gets interesting; back in the summer when this fight began, (the park provides cable tv) I asked them what would happen if
either local tv was not on cable anymore, or if cable rates skyrocketed.
They didn’t have an answer.
Two days ago, two of the four local stations (UHF) decided to charge for allowing their signal on cable, or wants off.
What will happen is; things revert to the old, and people will be forced to put up antennas.
The clause reads, ” NO OUTSIDE ANTENNAS.
Dig the word, ‘outside”.
My design is specifically for inside, in my case I have chosen to place
it inside a wooden shed.
I guess according to this, it will be acceptable. I did not think they
would write a clause in there saying “no radio station”…..the lawyer,
if told to put that in, probably omitted it as being silly.
I may also erect a much smaller shed closer to the studio, and on the
ground; I’m thinking about it. If so, this will perform even
I’ll keep you posted.
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Carl and Joyce Van Orden
WCRV Cherry Ridge Radio
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