From the Center of North America, only a few yardsticks from the Missississippi River, it got cold and snow fell, water underneath turning to ice.
From the Center of North America, only a few yardsticks from the Missississippi River, it got cold and snow fell, water underneath turning to ice.
This blanket of snow ice probably makes a wonderful ski-slide for the part 15 AM signals being sent from here in the tool shed.
But there’s no way I’m going to drive around listening to the radio.
Unsponsered weather, not paid for by free listeners.
RichPowers says
Yeah, the weather
Yeah, the weather is particularly cold today here too. It’s barely over 50 degrees! – I might have to put on a coat!
These harsh winters can be rough. I remember when it snowed here one day back in 1982.
RFB says
And Gore Said….
So much for global warming eh?
Pseudo science, when properly decorated and presented, will seem like real science to a population already under the spell of mind manipulation.
It’s the Sun!!! I suppose Pluto is warming up because of our carbon footprint too?
Mr. Gore…I have a carbon footprint ready to apply to the hind end…with a pointed steel toe boot to boot!
We are going through the normal 11 year cycling of Sun activity and it is well documented and proven that solar activity is directly related to Earth well as effects upon the other planets in the solar system.
Some would say that the cold is keeping us from burning up due to global warming from carbon footprints.
The winter season has actually been quite mild this year compared to previous seasons. In the north west where the winters can get very dangerous with wind chill factors reaching well below -30* for days, this year has been like a summer vacation in the tropics.
There is global warming happening. But not happening from the pseudo science. It is happening due to nature doing its natural thing that it has been doing since the birth of the solar system, and will continue to do such for a very long time to come…even if the human race were to become extinct, the Sun will still spit out CME’s and flares and affect the planets around it.
But for now…while we are here, let’s enjoy the diverseness of Earth’s natural changes and learn from it instead of being duped by con artists who could care less as long as their carbon tax is paid.
I wonder what hours the Sun’s drive through window is open so they can properly make payment of the carbon taxes to solve global warming.
ABMedia1 says
cold weather in texas
yep here in Sherman as of right now at 6:24 pm central time January 13, the temperature on my new indoor/outdoor thermometer it says 47 degrees! and its been cold all day. when i was in philly a few weeks ago it was the same temp but very WINDY AND BRUTAL OUTSIDE!!!! i could barely keep my feet on the ground.
mram1500 says
Ohio Weather-Don’t Like It? Wait 10 minutes, it’ll change…
Northeast Ohio can have wild weather swings. Today it was 15 degrees with wind chills down to ZERO with wind gusts to 37 mph.
Two days ago it was nearly 50 and reasonably nice.
Last evening the snow started and we quickly got about 4 inches. We get LAKE EFFECT which can quickly dump a foot of snow just north of here.
RFB says
Wisconsin Effect
Been in Wisconsin and it gets bad enough there. Though I have discovered Wyoming isn’t that much better either! 😀
Those MILD cold temps down in Texas are a tropical vacation to the WX up here in the north!
MICRO1700 says
Weather At Dog Radio
At 6:30 this morning, my local time – EST –
it was 3 degrees F. That’s here in West Hartford, CT.
No precipitation.
And the two dogs – Hoover (who we named after
the vacuum cleaner, a goofy mutt) and Bella (The Pug)
went out with no problems.
Speaking of the planets in the solar system, don’t
we have an unmanned craft going toward Pluto?
I think it’s supposed to get there about 2015. I
believe it’s a flyby mission.
Global warming on Pluto must be negative 350 F –
next year negative 349 F. And I think it takes Pluto
248 years to get around the sun.
Bummer. I just remembered – Pluto isn’t a planet
anymore. Pluto is a dog, though. Oh my – I just
made a Carl Blare joke!
Carl Blare says
Dogs in Space
Bruce, I’m not sure that it’s a dog in space that we’re talking about.
Some of us down here on earth say spacy things.
MICRO1700 says
Hi Carl!
I just tried to make another humorous statement
and promptly hit the wrong button on
the keyboard and erased it.
I’ll have to try again tomorrow to
see if I can get it back.
I guess I’m getting spacy myself!
Carl Blare says
More Weather Again
Time 3:08 in the middle of the night Central Standard Time.
The quiet seems odd only minutes since a giant and unexpected outburst of loud weather followed by enhanced tornado sirens.
It all began about 2:30 AM when a lovely deep sleep merged with a racket much like being inside of a giant popcorn maker the size of a house. Actually it was the house, being pelted by horizontally airborne hail that was so poppy I thought maybe the window had blown out. The rush of super high winds could be heard and I grabbed the emergency lamp in case of power outage.
The racket died to a rainy sound but the air raid sirens went off and it was evident someone had cranked up the wattage because they were louder than ever before. So we gathered some sandwich ingredients for a stay in the basement, but the radio had a description that did not include the immediate area, so we took a nap. Then the air raid sirens went off. Wait a minute, I got that in a wrong order.
The temperature was at an amazing 64-degrees but now it’s dropping fast to below freezing.
MICRO1700 says
64 degrees to below freezing!
It made me think about weather as related to
radio. Weird weather events like that are very loosely
associated with Sporadic E Skip. After all of
these years of studying E-skip patterns, I have
never experienced an E-skip opening at night.
OR during the winter time.
But other people have.
Oh – there was one time for me. (Looking at some notes.)
In January of 1980 the six meter ham band opened up for
a thousand miles at midnight, my time – it was definitely Es. (50.110 MHz
was the calling frequency then, and it was jammed up with
tons of ham stations.)
Other people have heard on radio or seen on TV – E skip
during big snow storms in the winter time.
A couple of years ago, a fairly local TV DXer (CT or MA, I’m
not sure) experienced an a reception. HDTV RF channel 5 (?)
from Florida decoded on his HDTV receiving set-up in MA or CT
during a big snow storm. For a short time – enough for him
to see part of a TV program, and get an ID. Which I think is
completely amazing! And in January!
Well, anyway, now that I thought of that – back to the
original subject!
I’m glad you are OK Carl. Wow – what an experience!
I can’t even imagine hearing sirens in the middle of the
Here in Connecticut, WTIC AM 1080, Hartford, actually has real
people doing the news and weather all night long,
between Coast To Coast AM. (Cue the creepy voices
and stories.) Carl, do you have ANY local stations with
human beings occupying them at night? Aren’t you near
KMOX? Do they have a real live news/weather person on at night? (Speaking
of KMOX, we have a local on 1120 at night, but I can
turn the radio around – null out the local – and still get KMOX.)
Carl Blare says
Weather Followup
That storm the other night was as reported except for the way I expressed the temperature drop. I made it sound like it went from 67 to below freezing all at once. But upon closer examination here’s what really happened.
The temperature was 67 when the storm hit in the middle of the night. The violent storm took the temperature down to 55-degrees. and it slowly kept dropping until 5 PM in the afternoon when it was about 30-something, near freezing.
YES we have 1120 KMOX and the John Grayson Show which is fed to many stations on an all night network is live from KMOX, but since he’s national he doesn’t say much about St. Louis. I knew his father who was an engineer at 60kHz AM, then known as KXOK.
But, this storm had good weather cutins by the news staff at KMOX and they had a smart meteorologist from some weather room in a tv station and the storm reports were top notch.
We also have 550kHz, KTRS, where one news person is on duty, but she worked hard with weather updates all night, cutting into Coast-to-Coast-AM.
No other St. Louis stations are run by humans and some have imported diamond lawn furniture from Bruce Dog’s planet.