Many Part 15 operators want to play music the audience is familiar with, and it is certainly easier to get folks to tune in when the program material is tried and true.
But that might not be the only way to go…
Many Part 15 operators want to play music the audience is familiar with, and it is certainly easier to get folks to tune in when the program material is tried and true.
But that might not be the only way to go…
Back in the 1950s broadcasters in cities like Chicago, Detroit and Philadelphia faced a similar problem. The radio dial seemed saturated with the dominant music of the time, and visionary broadcasters were looking for a way to capture a new audience.
For probably the last time in broadcast history, program directors took a chance on a new, untried style of music, and tried to reach an audience few considered accessible or important.
When those new records started spinning, a little thing called Rock & Roll was born.
Today, Part 15 broadcasters have the same awesome opportunity. There is so much new music, so many new bands, and so much opportunity for innovation today, in all genres and styles.
Part 15 broadcasters who want to take the time to give these new sounds a listen will find awesome variety and ease of accessibility never available before.
Your station could be on the forefront of a new revolution in broadcast variety and excitement, providing your audience with a unique and appealing product far superior to the standard fare.
Best of all, it’s as free as the wind. No pesky fees to pay, no contracts to sign.
Here’s a short list of a few new music web sites. The next necessary band is there right now, just waiting for you to discover them! – New music from everywhere – Pretty straight forward – The name says it all – New Music from accross the pond – Music Promotion – Unsigned Band Resources – the Unknown and Unsigned – Unsigned Bands webring – new music, free stuff – mp3 site listing – Internet Archive Audio Department
If you can’t find something you like, I’ll give you double you money back 🙂
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