In a recent post Ken referred to the “Sound Reinforcement Handbook”..
In a recent post Ken referred to the “Sound Reinforcement Handbook”..
I have the big Yamaha book, “Sound Reinforcement Handbook”, which, BTW, is a ‘standard’, and hasn’t anything especially relevant to Yamaha-only gear … it’s very generic. Even though it says ‘Reinforcement’, it also includes a great deal about audio recording (relative of broadcasting); includes just about everything there is to know about how various pieces of audio gear hook together, matching input/output impedances, balanced/unbalanced lines, lots of diagrams … it’s a great book. IMO, no studio should be without it on hand. If I really need to know about something involving audio signals, it’s my first choice. It’s getting worn.
Well, this enthused me and I located a free downloadable pdf on Scribd of the second edition which I was going to print out to keep on hand for reference, — that is until I realized it’s 431 pages long..
So, on second thought, I just bid a used copy on ebay!
But if anyone wants a copy to read on the computer you can get it at