A family member got an iPad and is able to receive my streaming radio station using a free Shoutcast iPhone App, and then he can walk around within range of his wi-fi and hear my programs. He’s going to test the range of his wi-fi and we’ve already talked about improving its antenna placement or power.
But why not an audio-only portable wi-fi radio? We would need a screenless OS (operating system) which could be invented by part15.us members. It would be the product which could underwrite this website forever.
Wi-Fi can be cool
Check out this link
C.Crane has a bunch of Wi-Fi recievers for sale,one looks like it could be used as a portable….
Carl Blare says
Incredible Expanding Hobby
Perfect, Lee!
Up until now I’ve only done hard wired computering as a security measure, but now Wi Fi suddenly looks tasty. And I suspect that it’s actually a Part 15 medium, making it part of the discussion here.
The link you provided opens the opportunity to learn about and experiment with Wi Fi.
The next question I think of is whether a Wi Fi station can somehow be a server exclusively for a radio website and stream.
If a Wi Fi station opens the entire internet to the public it defeats the purpose of wanting to draw attention to a specific radio station. Comments?
mighty1650 says
Wi-Fi is part 15
Wi-Fi is actually a super charged part 15.
It has range of up to 3 or 5 miles using a directional gain antenna.
I can’t remember the specifics though but I have read a few good posts somewhere about this.