Conventional radio programming tends to be set in its ways.
Local morning is viewed as a time when the population is getting up and heading to school or work.
Conventional radio programming tends to be set in its ways.
Local morning is viewed as a time when the population is getting up and heading to school or work.
But there are many other people who abstain from the clamor of “morning drive”, and they are the night shift workers coming home, the unemployed facing another day of planning, the retired audience at home to stay and many homemakers managing a growing family.
Worldround Radio is now providing an AM radio schedule for the non-drive-time audience during the early hours, and our transmitters carry programs for which no internet permission is obtained.
Then at 10 AM local time our two mp3 streams fire up and broadcasting to the continents of the world begins, all time zones, night and light, featuring programs with permissions attached.