I have been involved in Part-15 since the 80’s…and involved in all areas of it…It is a great hobby…It was a nice break from things and re-group..I see more and more things happen to this hobby..
I am taking my time to work on my current part-15 projects(less stress)..Here we go….
I am involved with a music show…that is currently available…and has nothing to do in ANY WAY,SHAPE or FORM…like the last thing I was involved in…you name it style,presentation and in MONO….and it is available in 128kbps/144Hz…take care…
for inquiry
e mail me
oh yes…thanks to some great people…The Part-15 station is back…..
thanks for your time…
radio8z says
Your “opinion”
Thanks for sharing some of your part 15 adventures. It can be a lot of fun can’t it?