Simple idea, I thought I would fill the hours after “sign off” by running some “occupy” audio from the protests around the country. Two sites offer some choices, including
Simple idea, I thought I would fill the hours after “sign off” by running some “occupy” audio from the protests around the country. Two sites offer some choices, including
But audio feeds from the events are few as most of the media effort has gone to video or blogging.
One “General Assembly” program had several hours of speaking by way of the “substitute bullhorn,” where the crowd repeats in unison every few words from the person speaking. From a listening standpoint, this wears thin after awhile. For the dear people investing themselves in the movement it sounds to me like the last days before a mental collapse.
The worst thing I saw was in a local area town where the crowd appeared on fast-edit video doing no more than hooting as if they were at a ball game. They had with them their kids and pets as if this were Occupy Picnic.
The public has reason for being discontent, but they need better media coverage. I can’t be there because I’m back here in the studio supplying air time.
Civilization is getting away from us.
RFB says
Reason And Purpose
Indeed, the pinch is affecting more and more folks across the spectrum of classes. No longer is it just bums and junkies. You have doctors, lawyers, judges, business owners, even city officials partaking.
And true the occupy movements could use more media coverage. But the Genie bottle has been uncorked. It is a fine example of people exercising their first amendment rights, as well as Constitutional duty to go against a corrupt government.
If there ever was a time to come to the aid of your country..this is it. As proven back in the equal rights movement led by Martin Luther King, peaceful protesting and large gatherings marching on Washington can invoke change…REAL change…and it did.
There are two things with this occupy movement that are crucial. The protection of our right to peacefully gather and protest, as well as exercising our right to protect this country’s founding principles.
If these occupy movements allow themselves to be shut down, we all might as well forget about ever having true freedom and liberty as the country’s founding fathers had initially intended the country to be.
Even they had to fight against private entities taking over the nation. One president was even threatened with assassination.
Is our current president fighting against corrupt private entities from taking over the country?
Oh that isn’t on the teleprompter…sorry.
The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.