The Antenna Guy writes Dear Readers,
This year has been rough on part 15ers. There had been a period of time this past winter that made it look like part 15 kits were not legal…
The Antenna Guy writes Dear Readers,
This year has been rough on part 15ers. There had been a period of time this past winter that made it look like part 15 kits were not legal…
Not true!
But it took a great deal of work and a great letter from the FCC to allow this to happen. Part 15 kits are LEGAL to use!
I kind of took a chance: I know that a ton of part 15 transmitters are sold to service a household, or a yard. Most of us are broadcasters, so I decided to build part 15 antennas for those that wanted to be on the air, and service more than a quarter acre. has been more than generous; actually posting some of my antenna pictures, and if the instructions get you on the air, that is all I hope to accomplish.
At this time, I don’t feel as though part 15 am broadcasting is in jeopardy; in fact, I feel strongly that our future is strong. I’m amazed at the number of emails I get (not only wanting to order an antenna!) from people interested in getting on the air.
This is directly proportional to the amount of stations that are on the air, but do not serve their populations. The People writing me want to be on air, and to serve with excellent programming ideas.
To hear from them, I am excited about the future of the AM dial! It is unreal the ideas these folks have to invigorate the AM dial as we know it.
My thinking, over the past couple years has been to make it simple for people to go on the air, legally, and make a difference in their communities. Or at least SERVE them with something they can NOT get at all on AM or FM.
Doing it on AM is easier, simpler, and you can get a very decent signal out.
(BTW: enough of the “I want to get out 8 miles” emails; they are funny. If you want to get out 8 miles, buy a radio station or build a linear!)
All we are attepting to do is to provide a very easy, very very affordable way for people to put an AM signal on the air. And for those that think I am making major money helping people get on the air, think again; I build a very simple, and effective antenna; it costs 30 or 40 bucks to ship, and I spend a lot of time building them, to the point where it is becoming impossible to even cover my costs to equip someone with a broadcast antenna.
Building antennas is not a business to consider. I’ve considered giving it up; it costs too much in time emailing back customers, and in packaging and shipping, and building units. If I cut the costs, I do it for free. BUT, if I can cover my costs, I feel an obligation to help anyone who wants to get on the air!
Everyone wants me to wind coils. Let me tell you something about this: I wound (at a cost of nearly $200!) 5 or 6 coils at first, all of which were junk. These are not easy to do. But I learned from doing them, and now I can wind a great one in less time than the three days it originally took me! My coils are state of the art now. So, I realized that what most people wishing to go on the air would build their own antenna, which I get a ton of emails about.
I really can’t solve issues involved when someone builds their own antenna, but that what they wanted was coils built. So, that is what I do. I wind, wind, wind, daily.
The result? I’m selling lots of coils.
And the end result? Lots of people are getting on the air. AND THAT IS A GOOD THING. Every single kit manufacturer has written me saying they want to feature my antennas on their website. I think this is a great idea, I also think I am looking at working myself to death.
One day, we will come up with a map, which showcases all the part 15 stations and their contours. When this is done, we will see exactly where our part 15 am’s are, and where they broadcast, and we will also see where we can utilize room for improvement.
Carl Van Orden
[email protected]
Maker of part 15 antennas/coils
Thank you for emailing WCRV/”THE ANTENNA GUY” I welcome your questions about our antenna!
Most information can be found on our website
Special orders welcome; Churches and Schools welcome to apply for discounts.
[email protected] – New products for part 15’ers added as soon as they are available!
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