www.lpam.info, the brand new resource for Low Power AM (LPAM) Broadcasting technical howto and information – owner Kyle writes “I have been having some troubles with my server, but it is definitely still there. I’ll try to work out the bugs this week…”
www.lpam.info, the brand new resource for Low Power AM (LPAM) Broadcasting technical howto and information – owner Kyle writes “I have been having some troubles with my server, but it is definitely still there. I’ll try to work out the bugs this week…”
The site is brand new – a complete technical resource for LPAM broadcasters.
LPAM.info is also the home of the Low Power AM Broadcasters Handbook, a first ever book for LPAM broadcasters.
While LPAM doesn’t mean any particular service or power level, there has been a recent surge in “Part-15” broadcast stations.
LPAM is becoming popular, in part, because in the FM band you can only legally broadcast a few hundred feet. With the AM band however, the restrictions are less severe.
While the LPAM movement is gaining in numbers, it is still going slowly. One of the biggest problems for newcomers was the lack of good, detailed technical information. Because of a lack of technical knowledge, most LPAMers were radio experts or well-trained HAM enthusiasts.
The site and the book were designed to fill that gap. With the materials presented, beginners and amateur engineers can get an understanding of the methods of broadcasting. With a little bit of learning and some handiwork, you too can start your own LPAM broadcast station!
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