Why daydream alone when you can put everyone at part15.us into it which may bring inputs or put downs that would never occur in a private dream.
Why daydream alone when you can put everyone at part15.us into it which may bring inputs or put downs that would never occur in a private dream.
It’s about starting a radio network. Right now we have AM, FM shortwave and streaming, but a network would supply programming to a national affiliation of low power stations, with “time-out” periods for local commercials and announcements.
Trouble is, a lot of the programming we have permission to carry is restricted to non-commercial use and may not extend to other stations unless further permission was acquired. Ya, but we have a lot of programs in the public domain, although other stations could download that same material and wouldn’t need our network.
That about takes care of that. End of dream.
Ken Norris says
Keeping the dream alive
How about wireless LAN mesh. Maybe not, um, nationwide, but who cares?…
What I was thinking was that programing could come right from user’s homes. Any one or group, including shut-ins and those with disabilities, could collaborate on show projects such as radio dramas and comedy, live in real time, with insignificant latency, all with license-free wireless connections.
Talk about audience participation!!
Carl Blare says
The Key
Yes, Ken N., you have described the key to building a “network” or other distribution source: exclusive and self made programming! Programs not found anywhere else.
It’s like mountain climbing.
kk7cw says
The Cloud
Although the solution to your dream may be called something else, the widespread use of online services could already create the solution necessary for the dissemination of program content. If programs were produced and stored on “the cloud”, then retrieved by automated download software and recorded at the local station for scheduled playback, then your dream would be reality. News networks like IRN already use the “cloud computing” concept for news programming distribution. The day of live news shows on radio like the old Mutual Broadcasting System have gone the way of the horse and buggy, and the Nash-Rambler.
Servers, similar too AudioBoo.fm, might serve the purpose for a network-like distribution network. FTP uploading of content and RSS download capability could accomplish the task, and certainly be automated.
The realization of dreams ride on the coat-tails of innovation.
Carl Blare says
Taking Ignorance to School
The Cloud, the Android, Face Book, Twitter, I am ignorant about these things and what they offer. No, no, please don’t tell me now, because maybe this would lend to an on-air school radio program to discuss using these Apps, if that’s what they are, in the radio pursuit.
Not to impose, but Marshall… you have “first refusal” on being the spokesperson for that show.
Is Cloud Computing the reason I am dizzy?
kk7cw says
“an on-air school radio program…”
You have mentioned Rhemaradio producing a radio show for Part 15 consumption a couple of times. My apologies, but I simply don’t have the time to pursue the opportunity right now, with getting the voice over acting business started. I spend a great deal of my time producing demo material and marketing. On top of all that, I am working every week improving the studio and improving the software and electronics. The goal is to be able to produce material competitive with L.A, Chicago, New York and Vancouver, B.C. It’s a tall order, but it can be done with the use of the internet to accomplish the marketing. But in the final analysis, its full time work. So, please feel free to do the program yourself instead. Thanks for the thought though.
Carl Blare says
Copied and Understood
Dear Marshall, you have our best well wishes on your business undertaking and you will have promotional plugs here and there reminding people that your voice is out there.
This other realm, playing at radio, is a different kind of pastime and you have been prompted to provide material for part 15 consumption because of your gift for presenting ideas and commentary.
Going forward with the idea of building a program about the many communications tools offered by the internet, i.e., cloud, facebook, twitter etc., who would like to take on the job of speaking for the internet?
Form a single file line on the left.