Hello Part 15.us new to the website and i own a part 15 radio station called Music Radio KDSX FM 88.7 In Sherman-Denison, Texas A Part 15 FM Radio Station. and Music Radio Received A Few hundred dollars in donations and those donations will be used to upgrade the station. a new antenna, console and other equipment will be bought to make its technical sound better. more updates soon.
A.D.(Records) Bentley D.B.A. AB Media Inc.
mram1500 says
A Success Story
I’m sure most of us would be very interested to know more about your operation and your methods of fund raising.
RichPowers says
Welcome to the board AB
Welcome to the board AB
ABMedia1 says
Blog1 Reply
the reason why i broadcast is to Provide The Autism Community-Recognition, Provide News, Weather and Official Information, and Music, The Format Is Adult Album Alternative and broadcast 25miliwatts of signal.
ABMedia1 says
just some of my friends donated no biggie
Carl Blare says
Welcome From Here
Hello Andrew Bentley ABMedia1 Sherman, Texas
I love your station description and look forward to hearing about your experience in part 15 radio. Hope you add a website so we can also check in to see what’s up.
mighty1650 says
Good Ol’ Sherman
Glad to hear you are doing great,
Sherman isn’t too far from my Part 15 FM in McKinney on 99.9 FM.
I swear North Texas has the most Part 15 stations in a geographic area, (Grand Rapids Has the most for one City) and Washington…
ABMedia1 says
reply website
i do have a website it is
maybe when my camera works ill record and post photos of the station
oh another thing is that i had a party for my birthday in southmayd and my friends and family gave money to me for the station and plus when i put this blog up my mom and i have a heated disagreement because i didn’t make things clear but i love her anyway not because we got a in a disagreement but she concerned about what i am getting into on this website but once i try to explain it to her maybe she’ll understand about part 15 more and gain my trust to her so i am sorry i didn’t make things clear on the word “donations” and stuff like thanx for all the comments on here
god bless ya
P.S. That is True KQRO/KEWS The Crow North Central Texas Has a lot of part 15 radio station
RFBurns says
Fellow Texan living in Windy Wyoming Welcomes You!
Howdy! Welcome to Part15.us! Glad to have you aboard! 🙂
scwis says
Welcome Andrew
I hope you will continue to share information about your station and programs.
mighty1650 says
Now how didya know about little ol’ KEWS?
I haven’t used that in over a year
ABMedia1 says
Saw your video on Youtube
mighty1650 says
Looked at your website, good job and best of luck to ya.
I’ll add you to the map tomorrow.
ABMedia1 says
on my website i am not using
on my website i am not using the 99.9 FM Frequency anymore so ill have to edit it out im only using the 88.7 frequency