Here are some spec’s to keep in mind when designing kits and type accepted transmitters…
Here are some spec’s to keep in mind when designing kits and type accepted transmitters…
1) Transmitter should employ a PWM Modulator and a Class “E” Final.
2) Modulator Deck and RF Deck should be seperate from each other.
3) The RF Deck should employ a PLL using a TCXO reference.
4) The output tuning network should employ a High Voltage / High
Impedance output like the Rangemaster and have a bypass circuit for users who
would like to use a base loaded vertical such as Carl Van Orden”s or
the Magnum. I”d like to see more EH antenna designs and documentation
and notes make it into the library as well as some transmitter designs
based around these parameters laid out here.
5) The Design should offer the option of either unbalanced RCA Line
level inputs or a +4db balanced 600 ohm input to match pro broadcast
6) The transmitter should not have extra built-in limiters or at a
minimum the ability to bypass built-in limiting when using outboard
7) Transmitter should be capable of -99%/+150% modulation for that big
station sound.
8) RF/Modulator decks should use metal boxes for sheilding.
9) RF Deck should feature a tuning meter to aid in tuning antenna and
setting power output.
10) The final should be 100mw DC input in unmodulated state with the
ability to be Adjusted to 1watt.
11) Please publish complete manual in PDF complete with schematics.
Manual should be well written like the SSTRAN manual.
12) Transmitter should be marketed and sold as a kit only to cut down
on costs and would idealy cost in the $200.00 range. Maybe a Type
Accepted Fully Assembled Version as well
I think these ideas should offer a good starting point to a quality
transmitter design for somebody thinking about designing a new kit or type
accepted transmitter.
Written By
Rev. Robert P. Chrysafis
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