While digging in the bottom of the junk drawer to locate old Blare OnAir programs for listing on the big index, we found a July 4th celebration produced in 2010, titled “Bombast.” A quick meeting was held upstairs in “The Imagination Room” where it was decided to hastilly re-package it as the first Low Power Hour Special, which will be uploaded in the next few days to the download site.
At the same time one of the part 15 stations has submitted a good idea for a program, and LPH#36 is being recorded this week.
It is the mission of the Low Power Hour to promote personal radio stations for every home in the land. The Homeland.
MICRO1700 says
Bring it On!
Bruce, DRS2
ABMedia1 says
Bring It On Baby Bring It Onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!
Bring It On Baby Bring It Onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!
Carl Blare says
Wednesday, June 20, 2012, is THE SUMMER SOLSICE!
It is the LONGEST day of the year!
It has the shortest night of the year.
In our system it is “the first day of summer,” but in several other systems the world has known it was “mid summer”.
I have produced several Blare OnAir programs over the years around The Summer Solstice, and affiliate stations are welcome to hunt for these on their download pages from KDX.
I just found an unpublished program from 2010 which I’ll upload in a minute.
Drink only non-alcoholic juice in the heat!
channelx1610 says
It’s gonna be a long hot summer
I kind of wish it wasn’t summer. Back when I was in school, I loved summer. But now that I work at a local big box store (not gonna specify which one) pushing shopping carts for minimum wage in all weather conditions except lightning, I hate summer. Today we had high temps in the 90s. July is gonna be brutal.
Everyday, I pray for severe weather, but it never comes.
But back to part 15 radio. I look forward to hearing the low power hour July 4th special. Problem is gonna be how to listen. I watched too many streaming videos in 6 days and used up my 1 GB of monthly data. I’ve been throttled to 28.8K dial up speeds. This page took 3 minutes to load. Including 1 minute of staring at a white screen with a spinning circle at the corner of the browser window.
I need DSL so bad.
Also, I plan on starting my Procaster savings tomorrow. Its not gonna be much, but eventually the first $10 will grow to my goal of $1200.
Just another late night ramble. Hope I’m not getting on anybody’s nerves.
Carl Blare says
Maybe This Will Help
Channel X 1610AM here’s what I can do which might help you listen without needing to download the July 4th Low Power program.
I am assuming you have a dialup internet, so of course streaming would need to be at a low bit rate for you to be able to use it, so I could put the program on my Demand Radio page at low bit rate during the first four days of July. Then all you would need to do is press one button and listen
I hope I remember to do it.
Remind me if it doesn’t show up by July 2