Hello. I am looking for people interested in designing Part 15 AM and FM transmitters as well as circuits for software defined radio uses. I am using LTspice software for my design and analysis needs. And will post my results at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Part15_Design/. As time goes by.
I am interested in folk who are skilled in circuit board fabrication. And so, I am looking for a collaborative effort. In effect, to manufacture electronic kits. My location is in Kentucky if you need to know that.
If you are interested you can use the link above and join the design group. Things might move slow at first. Over this next year until all design and testing work is completed. However, when something is posted or uploaded to the group you will get a email notice to let you know. Though not allot at first is posted. You may however start a topic there anytime you want. Related to the task however.
I provide LTspice analysis files of all of my circuits so that the interested hobbyist may run the file and analyze the circuit. Look at the waveforms and the FFT analysis of the rf filters etc. This way you see the circuit and how it performs. If we can design up some cost effective and yet high performance circuits. Then I think we can capture allot of interest.
Please visit the link above if you are interested.