I’m not sure how the pages on this website work….. does everybody see the same thing on their screen, or do some of us see different features for some reason?
I’m not sure how the pages on this website work….. does everybody see the same thing on their screen, or do some of us see different features for some reason?
I am particularly interested in something I see on the left side of the screen about 2/3 of the way down…….well, right now something different is in that spot, but when I’m viewing the “Recent Posts” page, I see……. well, I won’t really say unless everyone is seeing the same thing.
What do you see on the left side of the “Recent Posts” screen about 2/3 down?
RichPowers says
Um… I think that’s Miley
Um… I think that’s Miley Cyrus — and the only reason I would even recognize her is because she happened to film a movie down here last year and played some impromptu songs with a borrowed guitar one night at a local lounge..
Um.. uh.. I guess that’s who I think you think that you see there uh… um.. yeah Carl, I see it too.
Carl Blare says
With Ya So Far
OK then, what is Miley in the process of doing?
I mean, she seems to be working on some kind of project, and I haven’t dared click on her, because I don’t know if it’s a safe link, but she seems to be working on some intended outcome, one way or the other.
Do you know the name of her movie?
RichPowers says
I’m don’t know what the
I’m don’t know what the intended outcome is supposed to be – either it’s coming off, or going on, but your guess is as good as mine to how it got where it is now.
But it’s a fascinating photo.
The name of the movie was “The Last Song”.
Something about two teenagers spending the summer together at the beach or something.. Don’t really know, never watched it, and probably never will.
There sure seems to be a lot of idle chatter on the forum lately.
Carl Blare says
OK I’m Hip
The name “The Last Song” sounds sort of sad, and a “summer with two teenagers on a beach” isn’t necessarily as fluffy as it might sound to the average adult.
I remember being a teenager and there were summers on the beach that shaped my emotional state ever thereafter. Heavy duty.
But the picture on the left margin at part15.us, is that from the movie?
She doesn’t look like she’s beach ready. She looks very city.
RFB says
Nothing Here
All I see are:
A picture of a TX w/o a cabinet.
A PCS pretty gal image.
Then the list of sites.
Nothing to see here…moving along.
(ad-blocker in use btw)
RichPowers says
Carl, I wasn’t knocking the
Carl, I wasn’t knocking the life impacts of our teenage years on our entire life – not by any means..
What I refer to is; I don’t generally watch movies about teenage romance.. however suddenly I recall that movie “Almost Famous” – which I actually enjoyed.. –Anyway, point taken on the defining factors in our years of youth.
–Oh, no, it’s not from the movie. It’s a paparazzi shot.
RFB, The ad we are seeing on the “recent topics” left panel page, is [Miley Cyrus(?)] wearing a skirt in the city, and in this what appears to be an unstaged shot, she has both hands on her underwear at mid thigh location. It is unclear if she’s pulling them up or down. Then Big letters asking “Can you guess who this is?”
Seen the same type ads all over the net.
Just of note – I don’t know if this ad is of offense to any here or not, but as of me, I have no opinion about it at all. But it is striking!
RFB says
Ahh…well it does not appear on my browser since I have ad-block running and it determined some months ago that particular element on this site was unsafe, so I’ve kept that part of the page script from running on my system.
Those ad banner things get their content from a huge pool of resources and often bad things feed through them without the site’s admins knowledge or even the banner source knowledge.
Most of the time the content within those ad banners is safe and most ad banner companies make sure they only serve up safe content…safe in meaning safe from sneaky root kits and trojans and such. They usually let you choose what content will be fed through them so you can tailor the ad banner to your site’s audience…such as preventing adult ad’s from appearing..things like that.
But those hackers have very creative ways of getting around anti-virus programs and even high end data center security measures by embedding their crafty codes into images or a line of php script or through the link embedded on the ad and direct you to a flood of other hacker delights.
W W W…Wild West Web….just have to be careful on what you let display and what you click on.
rlkocher says
In the place Carl mentioned, I got these two extremely over-built muscle men who apparently got that way by taking some suppliment. Nothing obcene…just plain GROSS! They look like they’re made out of balloons!
RFB says
Photoshop Body Build
Yeah what most don’t realize is a lot of those particular ad’s for some supplement to health or body building are showing a heavily beefed up individual that is actually a photoshop worked picture of someone with no where near that kind of build…basically false advertising and a lure to get the unwise to point and click and buy.
In other words…SCAM.
Not saying the particular one your seeing is a scam..but very well could be when you see something too good to be true..usually always is.
Hope I didn’t pop their ballon!
Carl Blare says
It’s Gone
That picture isn’t there this morning. It has been replaced by a blank space.