Part of the fun of Part 15 is to design locations for locating the transmitter and the antenna. But those thoughts can become very puzzling when two many ideas collide with each other.
Part of the fun of Part 15 is to design locations for locating the transmitter and the antenna. But those thoughts can become very puzzling when two many ideas collide with each other.
One the one hand, it would be nice to have all the transmitters indoors where they’d be safe from the weather and easy to work on. But indoor antennas and grounding are not the best solution as we often talk about. And in the rare event of an FCC visit who would want them in the house?
If outdoors, on the other hand, it would be neat to have all the Part 15 facilities in one location attached to one tower or chimney, but maintenance would become a large problem with many inconveniences, and some types cannot be mounted close together, such as two AM sticks on nearby frequencies. They would need to be many meters apart. But the handiness for an inspection is an appealing facet of an outdoor system.
On the third hand, SW and FM transmitters can be connected to transmission line coax, so the transmitters could be indoors and the antennas outdoors…..
We’ve run out of hands.