As probably everyone knows election time has come to the U.S. as it does every 4 years, with mail-in ballots and some early voting already in progress, and the official election day tomorrow (Tuesday November 5th) when returns will begin to be tabulated and reported. Despite being a news station I am thinking of ignoring the whole thing by not carrying coverage even though I have at least 2 sources if I were to pick it up... Amy Goodman's Democracy Now and full Aljazeera Network coverage, and I also see that Tubi is going to follow it even though they are not a news channel.
The election hub-bub seems to my view to be like a sporting event; like a football or baseball game. If I was a sports fan I would ignore the game itself and tune in afterward to see the scores. And the same with this election. I think by Wednesday or there about we can report the outcome when it will be Prez Donald or Prez Kamala.
Maybe Part15org could open a stream and cover the election(?)
Just kidding.
@ Artesian-In a recent thread (Stealing AM) I briefly mentioned that in that video the guy showed and talked about his new favorite news source which looked pretty interesting, I forgot about until it but your comment above brought it back to mind.
I've not familiarized myself with the site, but what think he was referring particularly to was the "Blindspot" section which looks at "Stories disproportionately reported by the Left or the Right" which closely compares how the two forces report the same story, or dont report on it at all.
IMO, this has never been a Biden now Harris vs Trump election, but rather a vote for anyone except Trump election.
Generally, I dont think anyone is really voting for Harris, they are simply voting against Trump. If you had Martin Short instead of Harris as presidential elect, they'd vote for him.
It seems quite clear that from the start the only objective in this election has been to keep Trump out, and it doesn't matter, who gets actually goes in!
I never talk politics, and I'm not starting now. But it's been quite obvious for some time that this election has been nothing more than a Trump vs Not Trump election. I dont comprehend how anyone could deny that.
Never mind about Tubi carrying the Election.
All they mean to say is that they happen to carry NBC, ABC and Fox, which each report about the Election.
Now back to small radio business.
I can say one thing looking from Canada, and I am not taking sides or giving any opinion to avoid political discussion but *if* Harris wins and it is not a decisive victory, but a close "squeaker", I am afraid to see what Trump will do and what will happen in the United States if Trump thinks he has been screwed a second time. I hope that doesn't happen.
@richardpowers It's very likely that your view that many people will select anyone else to avoid choosing Trump is a true situation. And we are all subject to the either/or dilemma: there are only two real choices. The 3rd and 4th political parties, with Dr. Jill Stein and others also on the ballot, will not win the lottery.
I am in a class of people that will lose no matter what. The same was true in the past. I strongly believed that Hillary Clinton was every bit as poor a choice as was Trump at that time. In effect, there is no one for me to vote for.
Again, from Canada, it's not my decision.
But back in 2016, I think an argument can be made that people didn't realize what they were getting into, and what the choices stood for.
Now they know full well. What is going to happen is being stated plainly. It's not joking.
I fully believe that the majority of the American people are intelligent enough to make the right choice.
I've already voted, I made the correct choice...We don't need a repeat of what was but even worse this time if that happens...
My station will carry live coverage from the Pacifica Radio Network starting at 8pm and continuing until it's called by the AP. I will be providing results reports from West Virginia for the Network...