Hi Guys If anyone is looking to get information or purchase a chris chuff am stereo c-quam transmitter kit here is how to get a hold of chris chuff. amstereoguy@hotmail.com Note: I got writen permission from chris to post this.
Chris Chuff – Has picture assemble instruction for each section.
Chris Chuff – Video assemble instruction for each section can be downloaded from y tube.
Chris Chuff – Final testing, adjustments and antenna tuning can be downloaded from y tube.
Also check out am stereo transmitter on y tube by chris chuff, it’s a 3 to 4 tube am stereo c-quam transmitter, and chris compares the tube with the solid state unit.
I hope this helps station8, Jeff
Carl Blare says
So Long Tubes
The video linked above by jeff station8 is interesting to watch, but Chris Cuff doesn’t tell us where to find the schematic nor does he mention anything about antennas, a crucial component of tube designs.
In fact, PhilB has stated in several posts that tube transmitter designs tend to neglect any discussion of antennas, noting that driving a 3-meter pole by tube is not an efficient prospect.
Anyway, as I finally forget tube Part 15 transmitters, I leave you with this interesting AM stereo tube design which also fails to mention antennas.