There will be an ALPB TeamSpeak meeting this Friday, 18 February 2013 at 7:00pm EST.
A few inquiries regarding Part 15 startups is a good feeling. Knowing that others are looking for alternative radio reinforces our cause.
Perhaps Carl Blare’s thoughts on this apply, whereby EVERYONE should have a license free, low power broadcast station.
There are rumblings about the window opening for LPFM. The general feeling is that LPFM is very difficult to obtain even when there is a channel open in your area. Regulate to protect, not to make it a patronizing carrot on a stick.
AM has been so corporatised that it has lost it’s appeal. Ma and Paw for the most part have been squeezed out and all the “big boys”, in turn, have removed most of the human element to increase profits. They think they can build listenership with technological improvements, i.e. digital, but that simply prices the equipment out of reach and renders analog radio filled with adjacent channel interference. And still, you hear their same voice tracking and syndicated talk from coast to coast.
All this rambling courtesy of coporate radio. Long Live Free Radio. See you at the meeting Friday…
Carl Blare says
How the ALPB Helps My Social Life
I suggested doing something on Wednesday or Thursday, but the individual I was asking said, “I’m busy those two nights but I’m free on Friday evening.”
I felt quite important in saying, “Oh, sorry, that’s my ALPB Meeting night.”
You too can have the same ego boost by joining now…..
…… Contact MRAM 1500.
radio8z says
You’re Available
because Friday the 18th comes on Monday next week.