I’ve never done a blog. Hope I do it right.
I’ve never done a blog. Hope I do it right.
I got a kick out of this video on you-tube. It’s a little drawn out, but couldn’t help but watch it all the way through.. I actually watched it again a couple hours later. I would have liked to have given him a hand:
Part-15 AM Transmitter Setup and Field Test Pt-1
BobMSmith1959 | March 16, 2010 | 1 likes, 0 dislikes
I’m a person with handicap disabillies who has an interest in radio transmitters and radio waves.
Part-15 AM Transmitter Setup And Field Test Pt-2
RichPowers says
A reprise overview…
Here he contemplates his recent Part15 ordeal with an edited down video accompanied by his voice-over narration…
AM Talkinghouse Transmitting Range
BobMSmith1959 | March 17, 2010 | 0 likes, 0 dislikes
I am a mentally handicap person who has an interest in electronics and part-15 radio transmitters which involves with community radio broacasting in my mediate neighborhood, in which it’s does NOT requires any FCC broadcast license.
On another video he sings this song that he wrote. You can’t help but love this guy.
Your Just Too Loud
BobMSmith1959 | May 01, 2009 | 0 likes, 0 dislikes
Written and sung by me “Bob Smith”
He’s has a total of 8 videos there.. he has couple UFO’s that he talked about while he filmed it.
There’s also one of his weekly Chicago weather forcast.
I’m glad there’s only 8 video’s, I was starting to get hooked!
Carl Blare says
Recruit Him
Rich Powers:
I won’t be able to watch these videos till later, but I know they’ll be good.
See if you can recruit the guy into part15.us, we’d have another interesting member and he would find a group of “peers.”
RichPowers says
I already have… I dropped
I already have… I dropped him a note on his myspace page to join here
MICRO1700 says
His Part 15 videos look good!
I looked at his Part 15 videos and
I think they are cool. I believe he
has quite a lot of technical knowledge.
It appeared to me that he is transmitting
on 600 kHz, but I could be wrong. It seems
to me that his range was good for that
frequency with his current set-up. I think
if he went to the top of the AM band his
range would improve, but he may have
another reason for being on 600. Maybe
he can’t find a clearer channel in his area.
Best Wishes,
Bruce, MICRO1690/1700
MICRO1700 says
One More Comment
I am not registered to get on YouTube
and make comments, but I did look
at some of them.
There are a few commenters that are
suggesting Pirate radio type transmissions
instead of Part 15.
However, I think this guy knows a lot, and
I believe he will steer clear of the Pirate approach.
Best Wishes,
Bruce, MICRO1690/1700
tbone903 says
Act now…
Someone should tell him that he needs to get a board put together, and apply for an LPFM license in the next window!
Or, he may already even be involved with a non-profit, eligible to do that…